What is TILE?

The University of Iowa offers a special program called TILE (Transform, Interact, Learn, Engage). TILE classrooms are designed for active learning. TILE Classrooms include several different styles that can accommodate a variety of enrollments, up to 81 students. These spaces are supplied with flexible seating, whiteboards or glass boards, and a variety of other features that enhance students’ engagement and invite students to actively participate. 

TILE is more than technology: It’s an approach to teaching that incorporates deep collaboration in the classroom and can work well for strategies such as team-based learning. Instructors interested in teaching in TILE classrooms receive support from technology and teaching experts. In order to teach in a TILE classroom, instructors must complete a consultation with experts from both the Center for Teaching and from ITS OTLT-Learning Spaces Technology. We’re happy to conduct group consultations for departments, teams, or friends who want to get enabled together.  

Request a TILE Consultation

To request your consultation, email the TILE Program at tile@uiowa.edu with the following information:  

  1. Name, department, and HawkID. 

  2. First semester you would like to teach in a TILE space (if known). 

  3. If there is a TILE space in particular in which you hope to teach.  

  4. Where you heard about the TILE program.  

  5. Please provide 2 to 3 times during the week when you are usually available (e.g., Thursdays, 1 to 3 pm) for a one-hour consultation. We need at least 2 weeks’ notice to schedule your consultation. 

After we receive your email, a Center for Teaching staff member will contact you to schedule a consultation, which will take place in two different TILE rooms to explore as many different TILE features as possible. This consultation occurs in collaboration with staff from ITS-OTLT Learning Spaces who will discuss how to use the room technology with you. We recommend you review our TILE guide on ICON before your consultation.  

TILE Guide on ICON

The TILE guide on ICON has support and resources for those new to teaching in TILE as well as experienced TILE instructors, including sample lesson plans, course design resources, and upcoming TILE events.

After You're TILE Enabled

After the consultation, you will be TILE enabled and can request TILE rooms for your courses. Consult with your department administrators to request classroom reservations for your course.

We hope you will stay engaged with the Center for Teaching as you teach in TILE through one of our regular TILE-related events, like a TILE Teaching Demo or through a coffee to chat with us about how it’s going. 

Additional Center for Teaching consultations on course design, assessment design, supporting teaching assistants in TILE, and other topics are available at any point in the process, and the ITS-OTLT Learning Spaces Team is always glad to assist with classroom technologies.  

Additional TILE Resources

The Office of Teaching, Learning, and Technology and University Classrooms offer technology and classroom support for TILE. 

Technology Support

OTLT's Learning Spaces Technology group provides A/V consulting, management, and support for 25 technology-equipped TILE learning spaces across campus.

TILE Classrooms

University Classrooms has details about the variety of TILE classrooms across campus, which range in capacity from 21 to 81 students and offer multiple different features and configurations.