The Center for Teaching is committed to transforming education and increasing opportunities for student success by supporting projects that improve teaching and learning throughout the university. 

Course and Curriculum Design

Support for instructors, departments, programs, and colleges to develop learning-centered courses and curricula.

Early Career Faculty Programs

Programs, resources, and support to help early-career instructors find balance and be successful teachers during their first years at Iowa. 

Faculty Communities

Small groups centered around a topic that are dedicated to developing instructor knowledge and sharing evidence-based teaching practices.

Graduate Student Support

A collection of resources and programs dedicated to supporting the instructional development of graduate and post-doctoral students.

Inclusive Teaching Programs

Programs that provide evidence-based strategies and opportunities for discussion around creating a welcoming classroom environment.

Scholarly Teaching Program

A learning community designed to provide support for teaching-focused faculty to attend a teaching conference and develop as scholarly teachers.

Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL)

Guidance and resources for instructors wanting to advance new knowledge of the teaching and learning process through scholarship. 

Students as Partners

A program that brings student voices into course design to transform large lecture courses into active, engaging learning environments.

Teaching Workshops

Custom programming for departments interested in having their group explore a specific learning topic.