All instructors regardless of appointment or experience level are invited to register and attend Center for Teaching events.

As experts in the scholarship of teaching and learning, facilitators, and experienced college instructors, Center for Teaching staff use research and theory to design and lead programs that center excellence in teaching and learning.

Our work includes faculty development, graduate student development, and organizational development.

mental health graphic

On-Demand Sparkshop

Navigating Burnout in Teaching and Learning

Watch this 30-minute on-demand session to learn how you can address the challenges of burnout that educators and students commonly face. It offers practical strategies to not only manage personal burnout but also to rekindle your passion for teaching and effectively support your students.

Upcoming Events and Workshops

Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Institute promotional image

Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Institute

Friday, October 18, 2024 1:00pm to 4:30pm
Iowa Memorial Union (IMU)
The UI strategic plan recognizes the value of Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) in empowering instructors and nurturing student success. Join us as we explore the impact and potential of SoTL to improve teaching and learning with keynote speaker Professor Peter Felten (Elon University), co-author of the forthcoming book The SoTL Guide, and special guest SoTL expert Professor Johan Geertsema (National University of Singapore).  The Center for Teaching advocates for effective, evidence...
Rocklin Teaching and Learning Speaker Series: Dr. Bryan Dewsbury promotional image

Rocklin Teaching and Learning Speaker Series: Dr. Bryan Dewsbury

Thursday, January 16, 2025 10:00am to 12:00pm
We will revisit a more comprehensive view of what is possible from a high-quality education experience. While subject matter expertise will always be important, college classrooms afford us an opportunity to engage the whole student in ways that prepares them to be respectful, engaged, and open-minded members of an evolving democracy. For this to happen we must define our teaching as an opportunity to walk students from their current state of readiness to a place where they can view and work...
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Tailored Events

Request a sparkshop, workshop, or workshop series! 

Center for Teaching staff partner with colleges, departments, and units to offer tailored programming by request.

One-on-one Consultations

Need a thought partner for a teaching idea or challenge? Request a one-on-one consultation! Our staff consults on course design, student motivation, inclusive pedagogy, assignments, grading, teaching statements, student feedback, and more.

TILE Classrooms

Want to request a TILE classroom? To teach in a TILE classroom, instructors must be TILE enabled. Email for your personalized TILE consultation.

Center for Teaching Events Poster

Each semester, the Center for Teaching puts together a poster featuring our upcoming calendar of events. Our posters are an important way to inform UI instructors about our support services and events.  

Digital Poster Archive

View the current and previous semester workshops offered by the Center for Teaching.