This page offers links to Center for Teaching resources on a variety of teaching and learning topics which are listed below.  

Don't see the topic you're looking for? Check out our programs and services for additional resources or contact us at

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

A collection of strategies for navigating generative AI in the classroom.   


Information about strategies and tools to develop effective assessment plans, including assignments.  

Course Design

Resources to help instructors design courses to maximize student learning.  

Documenting Teaching

Tools and guides to help you effectively document your teaching practices and showcase your commitment to student success.

General Education Courses

Resources to support the design, proposal process, and delivery of General Education courses.

Inclusive Teaching

Resources to support instructors looking for evidence-based strategies on topics like difficult dialogues and sense of belonging.   

Student Engagement

Information about how instructors can encourage student participation in their courses.   

Syllabus Design and Use

Guidance on how to design or redesign an effective syllabus and strategies for how you can use your syllabus to make your course more welcoming and transparent.  

Teaching Teams

Resources to support faculty, graduate student instructors, staff, and undergraduate students in an instructional team. 

Students in a practicum program

Student Perspectives on Teaching

What do students think about their learning needs and engagement? What makes students read a course syllabus and how do you make them care about it? 

Check out these student-created resources to implement student-centered practices.