Develop your teaching skills and portfolio by collaborating with TAs from across the University of Iowa on a range of pedagogical issues and gain practical experience in the field of educational development through collaboration with Center for Teaching staff.

Fellows will deepen their knowledge of the scholarship of teaching and learning, leading to the creation of a campus-wide interactive workshop or pedagogical project on a topic of their choice.
Regular meetings will provide opportunities to reflect on personal professional development and teaching practice, and as a result, each fellow will create a set of goals and an action plan for future employment as a faculty member or in other roles. Each fellow will also develop a teaching portfolio designed to meet their own needs.
Fellows receive $750 for successful completion of each semester of the program, totaling $1,500.
How to Apply
Applications for the 2024-2025 cohort closed on April 19, 2024. If you would like to learn more about being a Graduate Teaching Fellow, contact us at We encourage all interested graduate students to consider applying to be a fellow.
Application Questions
- List no more than three courses you have taught or assisted (can include courses outside the University of Iowa).
- Briefly describe two or three strengths of your teaching (300-word limit).
- Describe your participation in professional development activities around teaching (e.g., departmental TA orientation/training programs, Center for Teaching workshops, Certificate in College Teaching, BUILD workshops) as well as any leadership roles you have taken in these activities (300-word limit).
- Describe at least two goals you have for your participation in this fellowship (300-word limit total).
- Please list three teaching topics or approaches you are interested in learning more about (300-word limit).
- How did you hear about this opportunity?
Applicant Requirements
- Terminal degree student in a UI program.
- At least two semesters of teaching experience or equivalent experience teaching in non-university settings. (You do not have to be a current TA to apply.)
- Interest in reflecting on personal teaching practice.
- Strong communication skills.
- Ability to commit seven to 10 hours per month toward program objectives through May 2024.
- Attend bi-weekly meetings with the other fellows. At these meetings, the group will:
- Provide mentorship to each other on workshops, projects, and current teaching.
- Read about and discuss major topics in pedagogical research collaboratively selected by fellows and the director of the Graduate Teaching Fellows Program.
- Attend at least one Center for Teaching workshop in fall semester.
- Implement an interactive, campus-wide workshop or other pedagogical resource for the Center for Teaching in the second semester of the fellowship, including:
- Individual and collaborative planning and development with peers, program director, and Center for Teaching staff.
- Written reflection on the experience.
- Collaborate in the creation of a communication plan for the workshop or pedagogical resource.
- Engage in goal-setting and career development related to teaching.
- Attend a mentoring meeting with program director to draft goals for future teaching and professional development.
- Learn from Center for Teaching staff and campus partners about academic employment opportunities in and out of the professoriate, including educational development.
- Draft a reflective teaching portfolio (including a statement of teaching philosophy) or educational development portfolio.
- Reflect on how personal goals for the fellowship were met.
- Enhance teaching and leadership skills.
- Prepare for the job market.
- Build connections with graduate students from different disciplines.
- Connect with faculty members and administrators in different departments and organizations on campus.
- Gain insight into the role and impact of teaching centers in higher education.
Current Graduate Teaching Fellows

Abigail Escatel

Lucy Langmack

Jamie Chen
Yetunde Mabadeje

Kit Fynaardt