What is SoTL?

The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) is a systemic inquiry into teaching and learning in which instructors leverage their research expertise to enhance students’ learning experiences and refine their own teaching strategies. Decades of research have demonstrated how SoTL transforms teaching and learning and improves students’ learning (Hutchings, Huber, & Ciccone, 2011). 

The UI 2022-2027 Strategic Plan includes two tactics focused on supporting and developing SoTL expertise at Iowa as part of the Excellence in Teaching & Learning goal. The Center for Teaching, in partnership with campus stakeholders, offers a variety of support options for instructors interested in conducting SoTL studies as well as opportunities for the campus community to learn more about SoTL. 

Conducting SoTL Studies

Interested in creating your own SoTL study? Here is how you can get started.

Center for Teaching Support for SoTL

SoTL Faculty Community

This faculty community provides a place for faculty to learn about SoTL, support each other in pursuing SoTL, and discuss ways to make it more visible. 

SoTL Libguide

This guide offers a comprehensive collection of SoTL scholarship, including publications and conferences related to a variety of disciplines.  

SoTL Scholars Program

The SoTL Scholars Program will consist of two small cohorts of faculty from various disciplines who will receive ongoing support from the Center for Teaching to design, implement, and disseminate their SoTL studies. Additional scholarly opportunities for the SoTL Scholars cohorts include: 

  • Sharing their SoTL study process and outcomes with the campus community at the University of Iowa SoTL Summit.  
  • Engaging with national SoTL experts and learning about SoTL advancements. 
  • Participating in faculty communities at Iowa that are focused on SoTL. 

Individual and group consultations

  • Discuss SoTL study ideas, possible designs, and processes.  
  • Provide assistance and feedback on IRB applications for SoTL studies.  
  • Discuss interpreting study findings.  
  • Identifying and choosing venues for publishing or presenting. 
  • Provide feedback on drafts of SoTL studies. 
  • Support preparation of SoTL talks, posters, and other presentations.

Additional Support for SoTL

Ready to get started with SoTL? Contact the Center for Teaching

We will work with several campus partners to support your study, including: 

  • Human Subjects Office: Iowa’s Human Subjects Office provides SoTL scholars with comprehensive guidance, including necessary forms and procedures, to protect students against any potential risks associated with their involvement in SoTL studies.   

  • Office of Teaching, Learning, and Technology (OTLT): Staff in OTLT-Research & Analytics offer expert assistance with data analytics. 

  • University Libraries: Iowa’s subject librarians can help instructors to explore specialized disciplinary journals and other resources that engage with SoTL. The SoTL Libguide was created in partnership with Janalyn Moss (University Libraries Director, Humanities and Social Sciences).