Instructional teams, also known as teaching teams, are groups responsible for collaboratively creating learning experiences for students enrolled in a course. 

These teams may include faculty members, staff, graduate students, and undergraduates who manage large and complex tasks like course design, classroom teaching, responding to student feedback, and more. Creating an environment which utilizes leadership focused on fairness and thoughtful collaboration between all members can help the team function at its best to produce consistent and excellent undergraduate learning experiences.

The Center for Teaching is happy to consult with colleges, departments, or individual instructors regarding the creation of effective teaching team environments. Services can include:

  • Workshop series attended by all team members
  • Consultations with supervising faculty to set the team up for success
  • Workshops for departmental faculty about working with graduate student instructors
  • Department-wide feedback from faculty or graduate students about experiences of instructional teams
  • Shaping of lead or head TA roles  
  • Designing bespoke resources to facilitate team communication or development (e.g. surveys, pedagogical handouts) 
Tippie PhD and faculty interactions

Planning an Instructional Team

Documents to guide your development

This downloadable resource provides potential teaching team planning documents, including surveys, agendas, teaching worksheets, and a scaffolded structure for development around a particular teaching strategy/course design intervention.