Anna Flaming
As the Assistant Provost for Teaching & Learning and Director of the Center for Teaching, Anna L. Bostwick Flaming leads a team of educational developers in designing programs that center equity and excellence in teaching and learning and support faculty, graduate student, and organizational development.
At the University of Iowa, Anna is a member of the Teaching Effectiveness Task Force, the Excellence in Teaching and Learning Network, and a founding member of the Provost’s Task Force on First Generation College Students. She has served on many institutional boards and committees, including the General Education Curriculum Committee, Howard Hughes Medical Institute Inclusive Excellence 3 (HHMIie3) grant leadership team, the Path Forward Student Success Work Group, and the Obermann Center for Advanced Studies Humanities for the Public Good Advisory Board. She previously led the Early Career Faculty Academy, which she launched and facilitated for seven years; the annual Course Design Institute, which she launched in 2016; the TILE (Transform, Interact, Learn, Engage) Program; the Extraordinary Teaching Project web video series; and the Keep Teaching podcast.
Anna’s scholarly interests include inclusive teaching, course and curriculum design, organizational development, the Scholarship of Educational Development (SoED), the history of higher education, and the history of gender. She frequently speaks on a variety of topics, and her work has appeared in publications including the International Journal for Academic Development, the Journal on Centers for Teaching, To Improve the Academy: A Journal of Educational Development, and EDUCAUSE Review. She is completing a four-year term (chair-elect, two years as chair, and past-chair) leading the Professional and Organizational Development (POD) Network in Higher Education’s Scholarship Committee, which supports the POD Network’s strategic goal of “advancing evidence-based practice.” She currently serves as a contributing editor for To Improve the Academy: A Journal of Educational Development.
Anna is affiliate faculty in the Department of Gender, Women's & Sexuality Studies.